
Letters to the Editor: A story about the Lakers’ $20k championship rings? No thanks

An L.A. Lakers 2020 NBA championship ring
Some readers took issue with a story on the Lakers’ NBA championship ring.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: I am disgusted at the Los Angeles Times for its front-page article on the Lakers’ gaudy $20,000 NBA championship rings. The Lakers’ “struggles of winning a title during a pandemic” are the very same struggles that the losing teams endured.

I’d rather see an article about rich athletes paying the rent for a struggling family for a year or more, paying for reading and math tutors for poor kids struggling to catch up with their peers, or paying all the college expenses of a child from a poor family.

Many already do such charity work, so let’s celebrate that instead.

Virginia S. Newton, Tarzana


To the editor: While hundreds of thousands of people are homeless in this country, millionaire professional basketball players are given gold and diamond rings valued at $20,000.


Imagine if each player on the Lakers auctioned his ring and donated the proceeds to feed the hungry and house the homeless. How’s that for a legacy?

Steve Miller, Encino
