
Letters to the Editor: I’m vaccinated. Why should I have to mask up for the unvaccinated?

A mix of masked and unmasked people explore Grand Central Market in downtown Los Angeles on June 15.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: As a fully vaccinated and asymptomatic Californian, I feel absolutely no increased burden due to the presence of the Delta variant of COVID-19. I did the only thing that has a true impact on disease transmissibility — I got vaccinated. And guess what, it worked. (“Mask confusion: The CDC and L.A. County offer conflicting guidance. Who’s right?” editorial, June 30)

Deaths and hospitalizations have been in steady decline in California since January. In the United Kingdom, where the Delta variant is now dominant strain, there has, likewise, been no significant increase in hospitalizations or deaths. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have reported good activity against the Delta variant.

It has been suggested that I should mask indoors because I have some increased level of responsibility toward those who have not been vaccinated. I do not, as they get to make their own choice about their vaccination status.


And don’t cry that some adults are deprived of the vaccine. While shopping in Ralphs the other day, it was repeatedly announced that one could simply walk up and get vaccinated — no appointment, no waiting, no fuss.

Perpetuating behavior that probably doesn’t save any lives lessens everyone’s humanity and weakens the very fabric of society. Stop being afraid, California.

Gerald Swanson, Long Beach


To the editor: From the beginning of this pandemic, we have learned more as time goes by. As with HIV, the one thing that makes the most sense is to be cautious.


It’s really not hard to wear a mask while in an indoor public gathering place such as a supermarket if doing so might keep you and others safe from the Delta variant.

I don’t care what the odds are. If the majority of vaccinated people don’t get infected and sickened by the Delta variant, I wouldn’t want anyone I care for to be one of the minority.

Barry Greenfield, West Hollywood


To the editor: Your editorial failed to point out the risk vaccinated people encounter if they are indoors and in close contact with unvaccinated people.


Because our youngest are not eligible for the vaccines, vaccinated people can still transmit COVID-19 to children. This risk is enough for this grandparent always to mask up before going indoors with people whose vaccination status I do not know.

James Cantor, Los Angeles
