
Debate postponement sets off opponents

Alex Coolman

COSTA MESA -- A debate scheduled for Wednesday between Rep. Dana

Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) and his Democratic and Libertarian

opponents has been postponed, a move that has drawn flack from those

contesting Rohrabacher’s seat in the 45th Congressional District.

Ricardo Bernal, Rohrabacher’s press secretary, said the debate had to

be postponed because Congress is still in session. The debate has been

rescheduled for Nov. 1.

“We were expecting [Congress] to have been done well before this

week,” Bernal said, but delays have forced Rohrabacher to juggle his


A second debate, scheduled for Oct. 26 at Huntington Beach City Hall,

will go as planned.

Ted Crisell, the Democrat who is challenging Rohrabacher, on Monday

said he was frustrated by the delay, adding that he doesn’t buy the

argument that the congressman is too busy to make it to the debate.

The late date is an effort on the incumbent’s part to avoid publicly

discussing his record, Crisell said.

“This man is not loved in the district,” Crisell said. “People just

don’t know, because they can’t get the right information.”

Lynn Pentz, campaign manager for Crisell, said Rohrabacherwas trying

to substitute spin for substance.

“They don’t know what his real voting record is,” she said, “and when

they don’t know, they buy [Rohrabacher’s] public relations.”

Bernal dismissed the charges.

“I think that assumption is foolish,” he said. “I think his

constituents are very aware of the congressman’s positions, and that’s

one of the reasons why he is elected by such large margins.”

Don Hull, the Libertarian candidate in the 45th, didn’t have any

trouble believing that Rohrabacher’s schedule was a busy one.

“He’s probably voting to spend more of our money,” Hull said.


The rescheduled debate will be held at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 1 at Orange

Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa.
