
What’s the most important issue facing the...

What’s the most important issue facing the city?

The rehabilitation of the Westside and it’s positive effects on

the future of our home town.

What do you think of the city’s joint-use agreement with the

schools for use of playing fields?

I think the spirit of the agreement was certainly reasonable but

the interpretation was flawed. The agreement should be reconsidered,

and if no reasonable agreement is reached, the agreement should be

scrapped and we should reconsider the program. The most important

issue in this is that our children’s recreational needs be served and

a reasonable working relationship be developed with the school board.

What would be the most effective way to improve the Westside? To

follow the suggestions made by the Westside Revitalization Oversight

Committee masterfully headed by Ralph Ronquillo.

Are city leaders doing a good job handling the budget and

pressures on it from the state? I would not say they are doing a good

job but, I do say they are doing a reasonable job. There is the issue

of fund balances that needs to be solved. We need to make sure the

salary needs of our police and fire departments are at a level that

attract and holds the best officers and firefighters that can be had.

These safety issues can not be overlooked.
