
Watch Blake Griffin answer questions using emojis [video]

Blake Griffin and his Clippers teammates made headlines in July when they used emojis in the battle over then-free agent center DeAndre Jordan, who had committed to signing with the Dallas Mavericks -- but then had second thoughts.

When word got out that Jordan had cold feet, Mavericks small forward Chandler Parsons turned to Twitter to show that he was coming after Jordan in his home in Houston.

Parsons tweeted out an emoji of a plane. Clippers sharpshooter J.J. Redick responded by tweeting an emoji of a car. Griffin chimed in next, tweeting emojis of a plane, a helicopter and a car.

Jordan, of course, ended up signing with the Clippers later that evening. But the emoji war that led up to that moment will forever be immortalized in Internet lore.

Red Bull recently decided to have fun with the emoji war, asking Griffin a series of questions, and making him respond by holding up various emojis.

In the video we learn that one of Griffin's favorite emojis is "the ladies dancing." He also likes the "100" symbol because he likes to make fun of people. Check out the entire video above.
