
London Olympics: Kate Walsh’s titanium face plate sets off alarms

Kate Walsh has to wear a brace to stabilize her jaw after breaking it earlier during field hockey competition at the Olympics.
(Indranil Mukherjeen / AFP/Getty Images)

MANCHESTER, Britain -- It’s been an alarming Olympic Games for Kate Walsh, captain of Britain’s women’s field hockey team.

The three-time Olympian took a stick to the head in last week’s opener with Japan, which forced doctors to place a titanium plate in her face to stabilize a broken jaw.

She has returned to the field wearing a protective brace.

But getting through security checkpoints at the Olympic Games has proved more difficult -- the plate sets off metal detectors.


Freak injuries are nothing new to Walsh, 32.

She once missed the first few matches of an international qualifying tournament after taking a deflected ball off her throat.

Another time, she was hit across the kneecap in a match with the Netherlands, causing her to miss two games.


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