
Readers recommend

New Jersey: Historic gem

Iris Inn, 45 Main St., Medford 08055; (609) 654-7528, e-mail: [email protected]. “This inn, in a small town with few accommodations, was a pleasant surprise. It is about 100 years old and wonderfully maintained. Each room has its own character; mine had clouds painted on the ceiling along with flowers and butterflies. It was like sleeping in a cloud. Wonderful coffee and amazing breakfasts.” Doubles $90 to $150.

Gayle Taylor

Santa Monica

Germany: Berlin hotel

Hotel Les Nations, Zinzendorfstrasse 6, 10555 Berlin; 011-49-30-392-20-26, . “This hotel in a quiet residential area has nice rooms, is very clean and has a friendly staff. There is elevator service and cable TV in the rooms. It is in the Tiergarten district, about a 10-minute walk from the Turmstrasse subway station. Double rooms, with bath and breakfast, $105 to $147.

Hans Scharer

Laguna Beach

Send recommendations to Readers Recommend/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la Please include your name, address and phone number, as well as the address, phone number and Internet site of the place or person you are recommending.
