Travel tips from readers
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Car trips with kids, Antarctica cruises, airport security and more.
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When traveling internationally, pack toilet paper, but toss the tube first.
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Fellow travelers offer advice on road trips, foreign ATM withdrawals and more.
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Plus, pack a swimsuit and folding fan in carry-on bag, get some local change at a foreign airport, remove destination claim checks from bags and more.
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If you are traveling alone, find a restaurant where you can eat at the bar.
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Readers offer advice on traveling with children, medications and more.
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Always pack a flat rubber water-stopper for leaky bathtub and sink drains.
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Plus: Praise positive acts; busy restaurant? probably good; watch batteries and clothes pins; local libraries; plastic food storage bags and more.
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Plus, $2 bills, packing tips, duct tape and more.
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Also: How to avoid airport gift shops, and remember to eat your yogurt and gelato.
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Use fruit as blue ice and other clever tips.
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Readers share travel advice on packing, what and what not to take, dealing with kids, choosing seats, staying healthy and connecting with locals abroad.
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Our travel readers share tips regarding money and credit cards while vacationing.