
From the Archives: There’s Hope in Hollywood

Jan. 28, 1972: A bust of Bob Hope is transported through Hollywood for retouching at a paint shop.
Jan. 28, 1972: A bust of Bob Hope is transported through Hollywood for retouching at a paint shop.
(Boris Yaro / Los Angeles Times)

While driving through Hollywood, staff photographer Boris Yaro spotted the truck carrying the Bob Hope bust westbound on Hollywood Blvd.

“I think this photo was made from my car,” Yaro later said. “Then I got caught up in traffic and never got closer to the truck.”

Yaro believes the image was taken with a 80-200mm zoom lens on a Nikon F2.

After retouching, the bust was transported to Palm Springs for Bob Hope’s annual golf tournament.


To emphasize the Bob Hope bust, I cropped the image above from the vertical, reproduced below.

This post was originally published on Oct. 21, 2010.

Jan. 28, 1972: Original version of the image the bust of Bob Hope being transported through Hollywood.
Jan. 28, 1972: Original version of the image the bust of Bob Hope being transported through Hollywood.
(Boris Yaro / Los Angeles Times)

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