
Americans expect to receive less vacation time, survey finds

U.S. workers expect to receive less vacation time in 2011 than the previous year but still won’t use all of their allotted time off, according to a study on worldwide vacation habits by the travel website

The main reason given: worries about money.

Although U.S. workers on average said they expect to get 14 days of vacation in 2011, they will take only 12 days off work, according to the study that polled 7,803 workers in 20 countries.

In 2010, the average U.S. worker received 15 days of vacation and took 12, the study said.


In contrast, the average French worker expected to receive 30 days of vacation in 2011 and will take all of them.

But the Expedia study concluded that the world’s most vacation-deprived workers live in Asia.

Japanese workers say they will take only five vacation days in 2011 out of 11 days earned. South Korean workers will take seven out of an allotment of 10 days of vacation.


The top reason given by workers worldwide for not taking vacation time was that they believed they could not afford it. U.S. workers led the world in money worries, with 34% of them saying they can’t afford to take vacation time.

Still, the study found that when asked to describe their financial situation, almost half of working Americans who were polled called it “solid” or “good.”

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