
Media Coverage of Dan Quayle

The article about the onslaught of letters criticizing the media for their handling of the Dan Quayle affair persuaded me to write this letter (“Quayle Coverage Puts Spotlight on the Media,” Part I, Aug. 28). If I have any criticism of the media it is for pushing the less important story of Quayle’s use of influence in getting a position in the National Guard rather than the more important story of the senator being a hypocrite. To be in support of our Vietnam involvement of the ‘60s and ‘70s while at the same time pulling out all the stops to avoid being personally involved is the real issue. It is this issue that leads me to question his morality and ethics. Is it ethical and moral to support a conflict that puts people’s lives in danger while at the same time avoiding any real danger yourself? Is his place in the conservative and white upper class of the Midwest one that would not go well with fighting in the trenches with the poor, the minorities and others.

When the media went after Gary Hart I do not remember there being this much resentment of the press. Is it true that the conservative voice of America is quicker to write letters? Let this be one letter in support of the media’s attack on these issues. And let this letter be one more attack on Quayle.


Beverly Hills
