
Education Clock Is Ticking for Students

I was filled with profound indignation after reading the article about Helen Bernstein, president of United Teachers of Los Angeles (“Playing Tough in Hard Times,” Nov. 21).

In these days of financial crisis both in the public and private sectors, it does little for the professionalism of educators to hear only vindictive outbursts from union leaders. It is understandable that UTLA members would be angry when their salaries are being cut; the members of our association, AALA (Associated Administrators of Los Angeles) harbor the same feelings. But in these times of extreme crisis, real and ethical leadership must surface.

As professional educators, Bernstein and I have a professional and moral obligation to help rebuild our school system, not to tear it down.


Time is running out for all of us . . . especially the students. They cannot wait any longer.

ELI BRENT, president

Associated Administrators

of Los Angeles
