
Candidates Repeated ‘Campaign Rhetoric’

Re “Gore, Bush Clash Over Drug Plans, Taxes, Abortion,” Oct. 4: Memo to Al Gore and George Bush: Just answer the questions! From Gore’s opening response to the end, 90 long minutes later, each candidate obfuscated with year-and-a-half-old campaign rhetoric that had nothing to do with the particular question Jim Lehrer asked. The final grade was Gore D-, Bush D-.

The spin doctors after the debate tried to put something of substance to their candidates’ comments, but the end result was a big zero for each. I think we have the right to expect honest debate from our presidential candidates rather than canned responses that are irrelevant to the questions asked.




* I watched Gore and Bush as each tried to outbid the other for votes, and I realized how right H.L. Mencken was when he said that an election is where government is a broker in pillage, a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods. It is very discouraging to see our citizens become so dependent on government handouts as a way of life. We have too easily chosen the illusory benefits of entitlements over any responsible choices that would limit the ability of Congress to spend our money.



Lake Forest


* After viewing the first presidential debate, all I have to say is this: It was a perfect microcosm of the whole election this year. Gore was constantly fending off ill-conceived attacks by Bush, who seems obsessed with destroying the vice president’s character. I understand the importance of trying to appear to have the better persona in this election, but come on already. Bush was practically reduced to a grade-school level. Gore is correct. Let’s stick to the issues and leave the name-calling alone, shall we?


Sherman Oaks


* Based upon Gore’s rhetoric he must believe that it is a crime to be wealthy in this country. I thought that was what we all strive for--wealth. Are we now going to punish people for having the knowledge and foresight to work hard and get ahead? If America was all middle class, who would provide jobs and pay taxes?


Pine Mountain Club, Calif.


* Isn’t it frightening that the people who needed most to watch the debate between Gore and Bush were probably watching the New York Yankees and Oakland A’s baseball game? It will be interesting to check the Nielsen ratings to see what share each broadcast received. When will people understand that our founding fathers empowered each individual in this country when they ensured us the right to vote?



Playa del Rey


* We must have been watching a different debate (“Debate: No Knockout,” editorial, Oct. 4). In Bush, we saw a candidate who ran away from his own positions on abortion, campaign reform and taxes--one who suggested that the best thing to do in a crisis was give a victim a hug and call Washington, who thought it might be a neat idea to invite Vladimir Putin to mediate in Serbia and whose overall demeanor was so unpresidential as to be positively Quayle-like.


Bell Canyon


* It amazes me that Gore wants to test teachers to make sure that they are qualified--yet there is no test to qualify one to be president.




* What did Gore mean when he said that Bush’s proposals “spend more money on tax cuts”? How can you spend money on tax cuts?



Woodland Hills


* While a number of observers view both candidates as having acquitted themselves well and see little difference in their performances, I take the view that Bush came off as a manager and Gore presented himself as a leader.


Culver City


* Gore tried to downplay the character issue that Bush legitimately raised. Gore’s credibility does matter in whether or not he will follow through on his policy proposals. With President Clinton we have seen what happens when a person has a questionable character. Gore was huffy and puffy in the debate, showing a need to mature.


