Teacher, Don’t Judge Me
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I can only imagine how hard it is to substitute teach (“Your Child’s Sub,” by Valerie Schultz, Essay, Nov. 13). I admire anyone who has the guts to take it on. Still, Schultz’s snap judgments strike me as harsh, stereotypical and out of sync with reality. It might not be fair to indict parents on all counts. At least meet us first before you condemn us. Most of us do the best we can.
Carol Starr Schneider
Sherman Oaks
Someone once said that education occurs when hope exceeds expectation. Schultz’s essay exudes neither hope nor positive expectations for the children and families she serves. It is my sincere hope that her writing career quickly blossoms and allows her to exit education, since the children of California neither need her presence--even as a sub--nor do their families deserve her cynical attitude.
Barb Libolt
Lest anyone take parenting lightly, let them read Schultz’s essay. It is sobering. And one of the best essays I have ever read in content and style. She is a teacher!
Cheryl Kohr
Redondo Beach